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How To Make Fun And Simple Cat Cupcakes

These cute cat cupcakes are perfect for making together with your kids
Promoted by Cadbury Dairy Milk Buttons
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Whether its appeal lies in the opportunity to get messy in the kitchen or the sweet treat that results from the labour, it’s fair to say that all kids love baking. But it’s the opportunity to spend quality time doing something absorbing, creative and well, totally ordinary together that will bring you the most joy.

So, regardless of if your cakes are Mary Berry standard or you’re more the type to use the oven for extra storage space, try out this brilliantly fun cat-face cupcake recipe. Trust us, you’ll all love the making – not to mention the eating…

Cat cupcake recipe

Makes 24 cat cupcakes

Huffington Post


For the cupcakes:

175g unsalted butter, softened
175g caster sugar
175g self-raising flour
1 level teaspoon baking powder
½ tsp vanilla extract
3 medium or 2 large eggs
Cadbury Dairy Milk White and Milk Chocolate Buttons

For the buttercream icing and decoration:

125g butter, softened
250g icing sugar
½ tsp vanilla extract
Cadbury Dairy Milk White and Milk Chocolate Buttons


1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3.

2. Line two 12-hole bun trays with colourful paper cases.

3. Place the softened butter, caster sugar, self-raising flour, baking powder and eggs into a large mixing bowl. Add the vanilla extract. Mix with electric beaters or a large whisk until the ingredients are smooth and evenly mixed.

4. Crumble Cadbury Dairy Milk White and Milk Chocolate Buttons into the mixture and stir thoroughly.

5. Spoon teaspoons of the mixture into the paper cases, filling them ¾ full. Bake for 20 minutes or until the sponge mixture has risen and the cupcakes spring back when you touch them. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.

6. To make the icing, place the softened butter in a bowl and sift on the icing while beating with a spoon or an electric beater until smooth. Add a teaspoon or two of milk if the mixture becomes too stiff to pipe. Spoon the icing into a piping bag with a number five star nozzle. Pipe the icing evenly on top of each cupcake.

7. Decorate the cakes with Cadbury Dairy Milk White and Milk Chocolate Buttons to create the cat face design.

The Huffington Post

Love the look of these feline fancies inspired by Cadbury Buttons packaging? Then why not try making the monkey, the owl or the pig too?
