Hurricane Ophelia Causes Unusual 'Red Sun' As Saharan Dust Is Blown North

'Repent all ye sinners! A red sun is risen!'

Perplexed Britons have taken to the streets (and social media) after the sun turned red and seemed to disappear from the sky as a result of Hurricane Ophelia dragging tropical air and dust from the Saharan.

As Ireland and parts of the UK prepare for the strong winds coming from the Atlantic, another phenomenon has been spotted in the skies across England and Wales.

A plane flies past the Shard in central London, as the sky takes on an unusual orange colour caused by Storm Ophelia
A plane flies past the Shard in central London, as the sky takes on an unusual orange colour caused by Storm Ophelia
PA Wire/PA Images

The red sun has been seen in North West, North East, the West Midlands and South West of England, as well as parts of Wales.

The Met Office said that Hurricane Ophelia has drawn Saharan dust north to the UK, causing the sun to appear red.

#Ophelia has drawn Saharan dust north to the UK, making the sun appear red this morning. Photo credit: Kelly Norris

— Met Office (@metoffice) October 16, 2017

The Met Office said: “An interesting phenomena that is a result of the movement of ex-Ophelia is the colour of the sky and the sun this morning (Monday), and dust on cars.

“The same southerly winds that have brought us the current warmth have also drawn dust from the Sahara to our latitudes and the dust scatters the blue light from the sun letting more red light through much as at sunrise or sunset.”

#yellowsky over Portsmouth, it's so dark for mid afternoon.

— Samantha J. Penny (@astro_hedgehog) October 16, 2017

Anyone notice the red sun and strange light quality this morning? This has been caused by Saharan dust being drawn northwards by #Ophelia

— Keele University (@KeeleUniversity) October 16, 2017

BBC weather presenter Simon King said the dust which has been pulled from the Sahara has caused light to be refracted and reflected in longer wavelengths, making it appear red.

“Ophelia originated in the Azores where it was a hurricane and as it tracked its way northwards it dragged in tropical air from the Sahara,” King told the BBC.

The red sun is a result of Saharan dust being dragged over to the UK by Hurricane Ophelia.
The red sun is a result of Saharan dust being dragged over to the UK by Hurricane Ophelia.

“The dust gets picked up into the air and goes high up into the atmosphere, and that dust has been dragged high up in the atmosphere above the UK,” he added.

“Because the dust is so high, light from the sun is scattered in the longer wavelengths, which is more the red part of the spectrum, so it appears red to our eyes.”

Took a pic of the red sun and when I put a filter on it a plane appeared that no one could see? 🙃 Count me out this is some weird shit 🙅🏼

— Isobel (@_isobelaa) October 16, 2017

The sun over Uni Birmingham this morning. Saharan dust dragged here by Ophelia. Eerie

— Tom Clarke (@TomClarkeC4) October 16, 2017

Incoming #Ophelia Twisted clouds & an angry looking red sun over Dyfi estuary, Wales @ruthwignall @StormHour @DyfiWardensNRW @BBCWalesNews

— Janet Baxter (@JanetBaxter1) October 16, 2017

Strange weather here in Bristol at the edge of #Ophelia. Never seen a red sun high in the sky before #DayAfterTomorrow

— Daisy & Boo (@world_of_Boo) October 16, 2017

Hampshire Cricket team tweeted a picture of the Sahara dust that had gathered at their ground.

#Sahara dust stopped play here at @TheAgeasBowl... 🌀 #Ophelia

— Hampshire Cricket (@hantscricket) October 16, 2017

Despite the red sun being a scientific phenomenon, this hasn’t stopped some from speculating that there could be more to the red sun than meets the eye.

Some have warned that it could signal the “apocalypse”, while others have made comparisons to the Lord of The Rings and the Bible.

Weird, blood-red sun over Cardiff Bay this morning. The apocalypse? #theendisnigh #nofilterneeded

— Christina (@steenie_h) October 16, 2017

Repent all ye sinners! A red sun is risen! #ophelia

— kev's Orchids (@kevsOrchids) October 16, 2017

'A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.' #tolkien #TheTwoTowers #LOTR #amwriting

— Mario A. Mezquita (@Aji_Chombo) October 16, 2017

The remnants of Hurricane Ophelia is set to hit the British Isles on Monday, with gusts of wind of up to 90mph forcing schools to close as the Met Offie warns there is a “danger to life”.

Severe weather alerts have been issued, with the Met Office warning of potential power cuts and disruption to transport and mobile phone signal.

The Republic of Ireland dispatched its armed forces in a bid to bolster flood defences on Sunday.


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