Hyperloop One Could Link Dubai To Abu Dhabi With 500mph Train

It's said to be the future of transportation.

Dubai already boasts the world’s biggest shopping mall and tallest building, but it could soon also be home to the world’s fastest train.

Hyperloop One, a developer of the 500mph tube train concept proposed by Elon Musk, has just inked a feasibility deal with Dubai’s transport authority.

The firm will now begin pursuing options to build a Hyperloop between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which would cut an hour long journey to just 12 minutes.

Other proposed routes include Dubai to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and Dubai to Doha in Qatar.

Dubai’s could be the world’s first Hyperloop, which entails electromagnetic-powered pods travelling through low-pressure tubes at up to 500mph.

Elon Musk, the Tesla, Solar City and SpaceX founder, conceived the design, but has left it to other firms to make it a reality.

Hyperloop One conducted a successful, high-speed test of the propulsion system in May this year.

The firm is competing against Hyperloop Transport Technologies (HTT) to be the first firm to realise the design.

In March, HTT signed a deal to develop a route linking Bratislava with Vienna and Budapest.


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