Further compelling evidence speculation the Loch Ness Monster has upped sticks and relocated to London has surfaced.
New footage was posted to YouTube just a week after similar film revealing a humped shape apparently moving quickly through the River Thames emerged.
The clip, posted by user Lea K, appears to have been taken from the river bank and shows a large shape with what appears to be a rounded "fin" travelling briskly through the water.

“Everyone was looking at a freaking rainbow and no one paid attention to this thing… it’s probs just rubbish haha,” she wrote.
Suggestions of what or whom the culprit may be include a turtle and a basking shark (both unlikely candidates to be found in the River Thames) and some further colourful proposals that it is ahem, “Diane Abbot having a swim” or the beleaguered Prime Minister David Cameron “making off in a submarine.”
Meanwhile the Tower Lifeboat Station has waded in, stating it hasn’t seen anything… yet.
Around 50 whales, more than 2,000 seals and some 450 porpoises and dolphins have apparently been sighted in the Thames in the past ten years.
A female northern bottlenose whale died after swimming up the Thames in 2006.
However if the mystery beast is indeed Nessie, she’s strayed somewhat off course, as according to lore the serpentine beast is said to have exclusively haunted the murky waters of Scotland’s Loch Ness since 1933.
Believed by many to be the last of a line of long-surviving plesiosaurs, (a Jurassic marine reptile) legend has it that the creature appears along with earth tremors and swirling bubbles.

Nessie first hit headlines in 1934 when the Daily Mail published what it claimed was the first picture of the beast.
The photo was later revealed to have been staged, but there has been no shortage of images since.
One possible candidate linked to the sightings is the wels catfish, which is the largest freshwater fish in Europe. It can live for decades, possibly even as long as 80 years, the National Geographic reveals.

In February twin Italian brothers caught a 9ft long wels catfish in the Po River of northern Italy.
The animal was dubbed “the monster of the Po” by the Italian media, the Telegraph reports.
A female northern bottlenose whale died after swimming up the Thames in 2006.