Jeremy Corbyn Supporters Accused Of Changing Tune On Poll 'Bias, Lies And Rigging' After Latest Survey

'It's Schrödinger’s Poll.'
Jeremy Corbyn took a large lead in the first poll of the Labour leadership race
Jeremy Corbyn took a large lead in the first poll of the Labour leadership race
Jeff J Mitchell via Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters have been busy hailing his success after a new poll put him 24 points ahead in the Labour leadership election.

The YouGov survey was released on Tuesday night, and showed Corbyn looking set to increase his mandate from Labour members up to 62%, while rival Owen Smith languished on 38%.

Naturally, fans of the leader pointed to the poll’s findings to rebut criticism that he is “unelectable”, claiming they were proof of his popularity.

Today's poll shows Jeremy Corbyn trouncing Smith among every category of Labour supporter

— Éoin (@LabourEoin) August 31, 2016

Times YouGov poll shows Corbyn beating Smith in leadership election 62% to 38%. An increased mandate, but we can do more.

— Liam Young (@liamyoung) August 30, 2016

They can purge, insult and patronise us but today's @YouGov poll makes it clear they can't beat us! #VoteCorbyn

— Red Labour (@Redlabour2016) August 30, 2016

But members of Corbyn’s fanbase were accused of performing a spectacular volte-face for rallying around the YouGov poll mere days after pouring scorn on similar surveys.

Some regularly allege that surveys reporting Corbyn’s low level of popularity are “propaganda”, “spin” or “biased”.

@johnmcternan I do not Trust you gov or any other poll ..Propaganda & spin ! Virtue of the fact they block all Corbyn media .very Telling !

— Maureen Fitzsimmons (@mojos55) August 3, 2016

@SamJRushworth @Patsfolkestone @YouGov
I like to point out how rigged they are. Little to do with informing people more to do with pushing

— Phillip Jones (@Phillip_D_Jones) August 20, 2016

135% of Tory supporters think #YouGov polls are independent, unbiased and not rigged. ;-)

— Welfare Central #1 (@Welfare_Central) August 17, 2016

But given the championing of today’s news as proof by Corbyn fans of his success, some questioned why there was such fervent belief in the figures.

Rachel Garrick, the founder of a local Momenutm branch who recently resigned from the pro-Corbyn pressure group, branded the survey “Schrödinger’s Poll”.

Schrödinger's Poll.

Indicates a Corbyn win whilst being a poll.

Toughie for Corbyn supporters.

— R C Garrick (@RC_Garrick) August 31, 2016

Election analyst Mike Smithson also pointed out that the poll was conducted by the same company which, just three days earlier, said Theresa May had a 21% lead over Corbyn on who would make the best prime minister.

It's same YouGov that carried out today's selectorate poll that last week had LAB 11% behind CON and Corbyn 30% behind TMay as "best PM"

— Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) August 31, 2016

The same poll that was accused by Corbyn fans of being “lies”.

@MarxTieSun @saving_labour @YouGov lies!!!. I joined labour as a result of my friends who support @jeremycorbyn and most under 30.

— Rose D (@RoseDGirl) August 25, 2016

but @YouGov doesn't do valid polls. It does pictures of propaganda graphs.

— Welfare Central #1 (@Welfare_Central) August 25, 2016

@Welfare_Central @YouGov Who owns the company?
Tells you all you need o know. MSM will call it credible which makes bias easier to explain.

— Badgersgetabadname (@Badgersgetabad) August 25, 2016

Speculation about YouGov’s impartial reporting of data was taken even further, when pro-Corbyn campaigner Aaron Bastani questioned why the pollster had taken time to extrapolate, condense and publish their survey’s results.

I'm told @YouGov completed 2 polls on Labour leadership election over last 10 days and released neither. Barely any journalists asking why.

— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) August 24, 2016

Leaving others to wonder how Corbyn fans would treat YouGov survey results in the future given their hailing of today’s findings.

The Corbynites are tweeting a YouGov poll like there's no tomorrow, just last week YouGov were part of the MSM bias.

— Ben (@Jamin2g) August 31, 2016

@MSmithsonPB Corbyn supporters condemning "right wing MSM polls" seem to have lost their anger with pollsters for a day...

— David Skelton (@DJSkelton) August 31, 2016

@OwenJones84 So we believe this leadership poll, but polls that show Corbyn as a General Election liability are unteliable/stitch up etc???

— Stephen Godwin (@stevejodwin) August 31, 2016

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