Jeremy Corbyn's Approval Rating Slides Into Net Negative For Every Demographic

Even Paul Nuttall is ahead.

Jeremy Corbyn’s tumultuous leadership has reached a new low with the publication of popularity figures from YouGov that show he is polling unfavourably with every demographic.

The Labour leader’s net approval rating now stands at -40, down from -35 in November of last year.

Even Ukip's Paul Nuttall is ahead is Jeremy Corbyn in the approval rating
Even Ukip's Paul Nuttall is ahead is Jeremy Corbyn in the approval rating

Even more worrying for Corbyn is that amongst young/old, North/South, Leave/Remain, male/female, middle/working class and even those who voted Labour in 2015, Corbyn has a net negative approval rating (% who replied favourably, minus % who replied unfavourably).

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Amongst the working class, traditionally Labour’s heartland, he has a score of -40 and amongst the 18-24 age group, -1.

Meanwhile, Theresa May went up one point to +6, the Tories rose 6 points to -10 and Labour as a whole gained 2 points to -29.

Jeremy Corbyn's net favourability rating hits -40 in our latest survey (62% view him unfavourably vs 22% favourably)

— YouGov (@YouGov) February 9, 2017

The news comes in yet another difficult week for Corbyn as he makes his fourth cabinet reshuffle in an 18-month tenure.

Depending on how he manages the situation, his approval rating could slip even further.

During this period he has already had more Shadow Cabinet members, 63, than Ed Miliband did in five years.

Corbyn can perhaps take some solace from the fact both Miliband and Nick Clegg had lower scores in the lead up to the 2015 General Election.

Remember David Cameron?
Remember David Cameron?

Anthony Wells, Research Director at YouGov told The Huffington Post UK: “In short, looking at any measure of polling Jeremy Corbyn is doing badly as Labour leader, but it’s by no means unprecedented.

“Other leaders have done just as badly in the past, but they did all tend to be leaders who went on to lose.

“The most negative ratings of all tend to be for leaders in government - Gordon Brown and Nick Clegg were both perceived far more negatively than Corbyn.”

Rumours Corbyn had made plans to step down as leader were branded “fake news” in a combative interview on BBC One’s Breakfast on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday key Corbyn ally Clive Lewis quit as shadow business secretary so he could oppose the Brexit bill in its third reading, bringing the total number of shadow cabinet resignations to four.

Corbyn said it was “not a disaster” that ally Lewis, who is tipped as a future leader, quit.

“The majority of Labour MPs voted to trigger Article 50. Fifty-odd voted against it, mainly on the basis of their strong message from their own constituents. My argument is it was a national vote, it was a national referendum, and Parliament has to respect that,” he said.

Corbyn had ordered his MPs to vote in favour of the EU (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill which passed by a vote of 494 to 122 - a government majority of 372.

In the past two weeks shadow minister for early years Tulip Siddiq, shadow environment secretary Rachael Maskell and shadow equalities minister Dawn Butler all resigned from the front bench.

Corbyn’s first reshuffle, in January 2016, took 34 hours to complete.


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