BBC Question Time: David Dimbleby Kicks Plymouth Audience Member Off Show

'I think you ought to leave, you know'. He did.

In what appears to be a Question Time first, an audience member was kicked off the programme by presenter David Dimbleby for repeated heckling of guests.

The unidentified man from the Plymouth audience - resplendent in a Liquorice Allsorts shirt - earlier in the show argued how the “Tories and Blairites” were the big losers in the general election after Labour Party surge under Jeremy Corbyn.

But after bellowing “tax the rich” at Tory minister David Liddington and making loud interventions when anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller was speaking, the veteran broadcaster had had enough.

“Listen, I think you ought to leave, you know,” the presenter demanded, which he did much to the audience’s satisfaction - and social media.

Dimbleby just chucked Shakin' Stevens out of #bbcqt

— Mister.J (@mister_J4Y) June 22, 2017

And his shirt was louder than his voice. Bloke kicked out out #bbcqt. Never seen that happen before.

— Chris Mason (@ChrisMasonBBC) June 22, 2017

The agitator had questioned whether Theresa May was a legitimate Prime Minister after failing to get a majority.

“Jeremy Corbyn has proven that anti-austerity policies are popular,” he suggested, loudly. “The Tories and the Blairites lost that election.”

Dimbleby attempted to pacify the man, saying: “I know you have your views. You’re one person in an audience of 150, I don’t want you taking over this programme. He’s speaking, let him speak.”

But he did not fade into obscurity. Lidington was reduced to pointing and shouting at his foe in the audience as he was heckled when explaining the Tory answer to the social care crisis.

One local newspaper journalist thought he knew who it was.

This is the man who was chucked out of the Plymouth #bbcqt audience: Steve German. Believe he's involved with Socialist Party.

— Sam Blackledge (@samblackledge) June 22, 2017

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