Rio 2016 Opening Ceremony Was Won By The Flag Carrier Of Kiribati, David Katoatau

We'll have what he's having.

Article originally published 06/08/2016: due to a technical issue this article may have resurfaced for some readers, and the original publish date may not have been visible.

If there was anyone having more fun at the Olympic opening ceremony in Rio than Kiribati’s flag bearer David Katoatau then we must have missed them.

Leading the delegation of athletes and officials from the collection of tiny islands in the middle of the Pacific, the weightlifter carried out his ceremonial duties with gusto - swinging the national standard around as if his life depended on it.

Naturally, Twitter approved of the Pacific Islander.

Good energy from Kiribati flag man. Murray could learn a thing or 2 there. Mind u, Murray would win in straight sets. Swings & roundabouts

— Matt Gatward (@indymattgatward) August 6, 2016

Now THAT'S how you wave a flag! Get it, #Kiribati !! #OpeningCeremony

— Sweetie Pie Pen (@sweetiepiepen) August 6, 2016

The Kiribati lad is top of the flag bearer performance scale #OpeningCeremony

— Hannah Bettsworth (@H_Bettsworth) August 6, 2016

It’s not the first time Katoatau has expressed his enthusiasm for life this publicy. At the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow two years ago, the stongman celebrated his gold medal lift with a victory jig.

And where is Kiribati, precisely? Around here. In all four hemispheres. Just so you know.

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