Labour’s Brighton Pavilion Backdrop Mistaken For A Mosque By Angry Twitter


The Labour Party is holding its annual conference in the seaside city of Brighton, a long-standing destination for party political jamborees.

It’s been a fascinating few days so far, marked by the rise of the party’s left-wing, Corbyn worshipping and dodging Brexit, the biggest political issues facing the UK.

Below is party veteran Dennis Skinner on the main conference stage knocking it out of the park as he hailed this year’s manifesto “the best since the Second World War”.

PA Wire/PA Images

But there was something arguably more eye-catching on the stage.

A Guardian reporter could see what was coming ...

It is presumably only a matter of time before some idiot says the Labour-in-Brighton conference logo shows a mosque

— Peter Walker (@peterwalker99) September 24, 2017

And so it came to pass ...


A new personal favourite in the "far right people mistaking Brighton Pavilion for a mosque" category.

— Tom Wilson (@feedthedrummer) September 25, 2017

So, yes, it’s Brighton Pavilion, arguably the Sussex city’s most famous landmark (aside from the pier, maybe).

Martin Lovatt

The 194-year-old structure, also known as the Royal Pavilion, was built as a “seaside pleasure palace” (steady now!) for King George IV, a monarch not unfamiliar with decadence. It’s built in the Indo-Saracenic style that was common in India at the time.

Some people tried to put angry Twitter straight.

Dear racists screaming at the Labour conference pics. It’s called the Brighton Pavilion. It’s not a mosque.

— Rav Vadgama (@TVRav) September 25, 2017

It’s not a Mosque, it’s the Royal Pavilion in Brighton (a mistake made by most stupid people). Even if it was a Mosque, so what?

— Dave Jones (@WelshGasDoc) September 25, 2017

One more time...
1) It's not a mosque.
2) It's the Brighton Pavilion.
3) It used to belong to the royal family.
4) It's an Indian design.

— Graham Tully (@realGrahamTully) September 25, 2017

There was a delicious irony at play.

Islamophobia is inadvertently teaching bigots their own cultural and historical heritage. You're welcome.

— Hend Amry (@LibyaLiberty) September 25, 2017

And, as you might have guessed, it’s not the first time the spectacular building has caused confusion.

the Brighton Pavillion = mosque strikes again

— Ashley Cowburn (@ashcowburn) September 25, 2017

Two years ago, The Times reported aides to ex-Labour leader Ed Miliband vetoed a photoshoot outside the Pavilion in case people confused it for a mosque.

It was at a time when the party was anxious to be seen as cracking down on immigration.

And there’s more. In 2013, an English Defence League member posted a picture of the Pavilion to Facebook (see screengrab below), with friends piling in to lambast the “mosque” for its size.


Until next time, Brighton Pavilion!

'Racists mistaking Brighton Pavilion for a mosque' is a genre which never gets old

— anandamide (@anandamide) September 25, 2017

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