Labour Manifesto 2017 PDF In Full: Jeremy Corbyn's 'Radical' And 'Responsible' Programme For Government

Party also details how it will pay for its policies.

Jeremy Corbyn has unveiled his “radical” and “responsible” manifesto for the general election on June 8.

The Labour Party’s policy programme was launched this morning in Bradford and Corbyn said it would create a “country run for the many not the few”.

Despite Theresa May’s Conservative Party holding a sizable poll lead, Corbyn said “opinion is changing and it’s moving towards Labour”.

A draft of the document was leaked last week, but today Labour released the final version. You can read here what has changed from the leaked version and what is new, here.

The final manifesto as well as how the party intends to pay for its policies, can are in full below.

Labour’s 2017 General Election manifesto:

How Labour will pay for its policy programme:


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