Matthew P Doyle Justifies Croydon Muslim Woman Confrontation 'Because She Was Wearing A Flag'

That's a headscarf mate

A man has regaled the world with a tale so astoundedly misguided you may want to sit down first.


Here we go...


Matthew P Doyle - who works in PR - clearly took matters into his own hands after the horrific terror attacks in Brussels by demanding an explanation.

From a Muslim woman in Croydon.

Who wasn't in Brussels.

Who had nothing to do with Islamic State.

Who may - although we can't confirm - have never been to Brussels in her entire life.

@MatthewDoyle31 Do you think that Muslim woman in Croydon represents the actions of some senseless terrorists?

— Suzanne Fernandes (@suzanneshine) March 23, 2016

@suzanneshine Who knows ? As a generalization no but the threat of Islamic Extememists is a very real threat to all of us in the UK.

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

Instead of keeping his fruitless quest for answers to himself, Matthew tweeted it to the world instead.

On the plus side, it did provide ample opportunity for much mirth and merriment at his expense.

Hey mate I've chosen you at random for my ancestors' slavery reparations please DM me for my PayPal

— marcus (@marcuswstow) March 23, 2016

You're more likely to be fatally crushed by furniture than killed by terrorists. Be afraid Matthew, be very afraid.

— Lina - سيرين (@Lina_Serene) March 23, 2016

I confronted a Somalian yesterday in Croydon. Asked her to explain Captain Phillips.She said "Nothing to do with me". A mealy mouthed reply.

— ®a$ђaad Aтcђa™ (@ThaKingSlayer) March 23, 2016

Confronted a bloke in a lab coat in Croydon. Asked him to explain cancer. He said “Nothing to do with me”. A mealy mouthed reply.

— Duncan Edwards (@trabasack) March 23, 2016

When asked by The Huffington Post UK as to why he had chosen to approach the woman, Doyle explained that her Islamic headscarf justified approaching her.

He said: "She was wearing a flag. If I was walking down the street wearing a jacket emblazoned with a Union Jack then I would be open to some abuse.

When asked if he approaches Jewish men wearing skullcaps to question them on the ongoing Israel/Palestine situation he exclaimed: "Absolutely not!"

After much mockery Doyle attempted to backtrack...

@Gweskoyen It is all a wind up !

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

@Gweskoyen I am in PR.

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

And even appeared contrite....

Thank you for your thoughts. The incident did happen yesterday - If I was anyway threatening - I would be reported. Confront is a bad word.

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

But that didn't last long...

Who cares if I insulted some towelhead ?? Really.

— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

And then this happened...

A reply from the Facebook page of Matthew P Doyle's company in Croydon

— Chris York (@ChrisDYork) March 23, 2016

Doyle's Facebook page lists his occupation as "Partner at Grant Doyle Associates".

Fortunately for us all Doyle has a cunning plan...


— Matthew P Doyle (@MatthewDoyle31) March 23, 2016

Anyway, back to the piss-taking...

I confronted an Irish women yesterday in Camden. I asked her to explain Bono. She said "Nothing to do with me". A mealy mouthed reply.

— rob manuel (@robmanuel) March 23, 2016

I confronted a dog today & asked him about that time when I was 4 and a dog bit me. “woof” he said. A mealy mouthed reply.

— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) March 23, 2016

Confronted a white person in Croydon Nando's. I asked him to explain Lemon & Herb. He said "Nothing to do with me." A mealy mouthed reply.

— Raf (@1Rafz) March 23, 2016

I confronted a woman in Croydon and asked her to explain shredless marmalade. 'Nothing to do with me'. A peely-mouthed reply.

— Lisa Holdsworth (@WorksWithWords) March 23, 2016

I confronted a Bond baddie yesterday in Croydon. I asked him to explain his teeth. He said “Made from metal". A steely mouthed reply.

— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) March 23, 2016

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