Nadine Dorries Deletes Tweet After Being Accused Of Not Knowing What She Voted For

'New depths of legal ignorance and giddy stupidity.'

Nadine Dorries deleted a tweet on Wednesday night after being accused of failing to understand what she had actually just voted for in Parliament.

Following a vote in which MPs voted overwhelmingly in favour of a snap general election, the Tory MP for Mid Bedfordshire tweeted:

The now-deleted tweet posted by Nadine Dorries
The now-deleted tweet posted by Nadine Dorries

But Dorries and her colleagues had undertaken nothing of the sort.

It was in fact in line with the legislation brought in by David Cameron, George Osborne and Nick Clegg in 2011 - the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act - which says an early election can be called if the Commons votes in favour with a two thirds majority.

Dorries went on to delete the tweet - but not before being hit by a barrage of criticism...

You don't need to be a lawyer to appreciate @NadineDorriesMP's efforts to plumb admirable new depths of legal ignorance and giddy stupidity.

— The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) April 19, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP Kind of embarrassing for an MP not to even know what they're voting for isn't it?

— Jamie (@lfcjamie) April 19, 2017

@sirpauljenkins So member of the legislature doesn't understand basic legislation, what exactly does she get paid for? Feel free to respond @NadineDorriesMP

— Mark Avery (@MavAvery) April 19, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP Ms Dorries, are your constituents aware that you don't seem to appreciate what you voted for today? You haven't repealed a thing!

— Becky Owen (@BeckyBarrister) April 19, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP How long have you been an MP? Surely you know the difference between voting as per a clause in legislation and repealing it.

— TT (@Tony_Munro2) April 19, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP No... You used their legislation to call a general election, precisely according to its letter. It's scary you don't understand that.

— James (@investor_bod) April 19, 2017

After deleting the offending tweet, Dorries inexplicably made another statement largely along the same line.

Never again will anyone say 'but there can't be an election because of the FTPA' Never

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorriesMP) April 19, 2017

Which again prompted despair...

@NadineDorriesMP Who said you can't, it kinda scary a member of Parliament did not know it was possible.

— Brian Leahy (@briandleahybl) April 19, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP What is she banging on about now? Earlier tweet was deleted - but this one seems to be implying the same thing. Am i missing something ?

— Andy Brooker (@BrookerA69) April 20, 2017

@NadineDorriesMP And why do you think that? You complied with it, not repealed it! Dear God how dim are you?

— Ian Sharpe (@sharpywolds) April 19, 2017

The next general election had been due in 2020 but after yesterday’s vote, the date has been confirmed as 8 June this year.

The vote in parliament was passed by 522 to 13, a majority of 509.

The majority of Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem MPs voted in favour of an early election. SNP MPs abstained.

May told the Commons an election was necessary to ensure “stability and certainty” for the country. “Now is the time for a general election because it will strengthen our hand in negotiations on Brexit,” she said.

The prime minister also said holding an election now was needed in order to push the following election back until 2022.


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