Theresa May and most of her Cabinet are facing a huge NHS cash crisis in their own local constituencies, new figures have revealed.
The Prime Minister’s local NHS trust in Berkshire has a £4.65 million deficit, while Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s own trust in Surrey has racked up a £1m deficit.
Chancellor Philip Hammond’s local trust is facing a £500,000 monthly deficit, and Boris Johnson, Amber Rudd, Michael Fallon, Liz Truss, Justine Greening, David Davis, Liam Fox, Greg Clark and Damian Green face similar cash squeezes.
Chris Grayling, Sajid Javid, David Lidington, Andrea Leadsom, Priti Patel and Karen Bradley are also facing huge deficits in their own backyards.

Labour put out the dossier after Theresa May insisted at Prime Minister’s Question time that the Tory government was spending £10 bn a year extra on the NHS.
However, the £10bn figure has been hotly disputed by think tanks and by the Commons Health Select Committee, which claims that it will equate to just £4.5 bn a year between 2015/16 and 2020/21.
Health Secretary Hunt appeared to confirm the uncertainty over the spending on Tuesday when he said “Whether you call if £4.5 bn or call it £10 bn, it is what the NHS said it needed”.