Nigel Farage Says He 'Isn't The Type' To Become British Ambassador To The US

Mr Brexit becomes Mr Exit.
Nigel Farage appeared on CNN on Thursday evening
Nigel Farage appeared on CNN on Thursday evening

Nigel Farage has said he “is not the type” to become British ambassador to the US, after President-Elect Donald Trump infuriated the UK Government by suggesting the appointment.

The interim Ukip leader, who was dubbed “Mr Brexit” after his role in June’s EU referendum, told CNN that he wasn’t “Foreign Office” enough to take on a formal diplomatic position.

He said: “In normal terms I wouldn’t necessarily put the words Farage and ambassador together however 2016 has been a year of dramatic change so I think anything is possible.

“But Mr Trump thinks it’s a good idea but what does Mrs May think?”

It was a great honour to spend time with @realDonaldTrump. He was relaxed and full of good ideas. I'm confident he will be a good President.

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) November 12, 2016

He continued: “So far I have to say over the last couple of weeks since I met the president-elect I keep saying I would love to play a constructive middle-man role between the administrations but they don’t seem to want me for some reason.

“I don’t think I’m going to be made British ambassador let’s be honest about it. I’m not Foreign Office, maybe I’m not the type.”

“I don't think I'm going to be made British ambassador let's be honest about it. I'm not foreign office, maybe I'm not the type.”

- Nigel Farage

He continued: “I did have 20 years in business before getting involved in politics, I do know how to cut deals, I do have the support of the president-elect and I do know some of his team, some of whom I’ve known for years.

“I am very keen for Britain and America to get closer again.

“My critics would say I have spent a career in politics trying to knock down buildings, well now I’d like the chance to try and help build one.”

On Tuesday, Trump tweeted to throw his support behind Farage, surprising Downing Street in the process as the role is not available and foreign leaders usually don’t choose who gets appoints ambassador to their countries.

Farage used the CNN interview to answer calls for a second referendum over Britain’s membership of the EU.

Tony Blair intervened in the Brexit debate to say he believed the process could be stopped by a second referendum
Tony Blair intervened in the Brexit debate to say he believed the process could be stopped by a second referendum
Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Speaking about Blair’s intervention, Farage said: “He is deeply unpopular in this country.

“The more he speaks the more unpopular he becomes.”

Farage said that were a second referendum to be held, as suggested by Blair, “[the vote to leave the EU] would be bigger”.

"Ambassador" @Nigel_Farage celebrating at his victory party at The Ritz.

— Darren McCaffrey (@DMcCaffreySKY) November 23, 2016

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