Nigel Farage has joked he would like to be Donald Trump’s ambassador to the EU if the Republican clinches the presidency.
The Ukip leader told ITV’s The Agenda on Monday night he was booked on a plane to the US Wednesday morning.
“I don’t know what’s going to happen. This election is very similar to Brexit. It’s do you want a change or do you want to stay exactly as you are?” he said,
“If he did offer me a job I would quite like to be his ambassador to the European Union.”
Last month, in the wake of revelations Trump had boasted about sexually assaulting women Farage backtracked on his previous support for the billionaire.
Farage also travelled to the US to appear alongside Trump at a campaign rally, with the Republican candidate has frequently compared his campaign to the Brexit result.
The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.
Clinton’s win will be substantial, but not overwhelming. The model projects that she’ll garner 323 electoral votes to Trump’s 215.