Piers Morgan In Furious Tirade After BBC Airs Graphic Cartoon Of Him With Trump

Image aired during Beeb's satirical show on Thursday night.

Caution this post contains, well, graphic content.

Donald Trump and Piers Morgan photographed together in 2010
Donald Trump and Piers Morgan photographed together in 2010
Mathew Imaging via Getty Images

Piers Morgan responded with fury after BBC satire ‘The Mash Report’ broadcast a cartoon image of him pleasuring US President Donald Trump.

The ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter, who was granted Trump’s first international broadcast interview last week, tweeted the image on Friday night.

He wrote: “The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage. Why the double standard?”

The BBC thinks this is OK to broadcast. But if it depicted high profile women, there would be outrage.
Why the double standard? pic.twitter.com/xcdxpEJD3E

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 2, 2018

‘The Mash Report’, which plays with a parental guidance lock on the BBC iPlayer and airs on Thursday nights after the 9pm watershed, is labelled a “satirical and surreal news show” and is presented by Nish Kumar.

The programme used the cartoon after criticism of Morgan’s interviewing style and accusations he “brown nosed” Trump during the groundbreaking Q and A.

But this did little to appease Morgan who claimed the image would not have aired had it involved two prominent women or gay men.

So if it was a famous female politician & female interviewer, you’d be fine with it? If not, you’re as two-faced as the BBC. https://t.co/U1Kz06plgw

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 2, 2018

Sure, but if was two famous women being depicted that way you would be screaming blue murder about it. https://t.co/Aktgzdj0Uc

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 2, 2018

Would you be so gleeful if the BBC had done it to two high profile women or two high profile gay men? https://t.co/bqQxxWnY39

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) February 2, 2018

In the process of rallying against the image, however, Morgan’s tweet went viral, racking up thousands of shares on Twitter.

The cartoon featured on ‘The Mash Report’ as part of a segment analysing the differences between body language of legendary interviewer David Frost and his subject Richard Nixon with that of Morgan and Trump.

“In the Trump interview, the staging hinted at a greater intimacy between the two men,” the correspondent says before the cartoon is revealed.

Cartoon was unveiled during Thursday night's 'The Mash Report' satire on Morgan and Trump's body language
Cartoon was unveiled during Thursday night's 'The Mash Report' satire on Morgan and Trump's body language

HuffPost UK has contacted the BBC for comment.


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