‘Pointless’ Contestants Labelled ‘Dumbest Ever’ After Giving Clanger Of An Answer On BBC Quiz Show

Not a fan of classic English literature, then?

Pointless’ viewers were left less than impressed after a contestant on the BBC One quiz show gave an answer that had some fans branding him ‘dim’.

To be fair, the category was literature, but David, who was partnered with his other half Sarah on Tuesday’s show, still gave a clanger of an answer.


When they were asked which author wrote the novels ‘Northanger Abbey’ and ‘Persuasion’, David opted for someone who wasn’t, ahem, real.

Or Jane Eyre to be precise, as in the title character of Charlotte Bronte's 1847's literary masterpiece.

Cue his partner Sarah turning a nice shade of crimson.

(*The correct answer is revealed at the bottom of this story).

It didn’t take well-read viewers long to take to Twitter to mock David, with some going as far as to brand the couple ‘the dumbest in the country’.


David and Sarah on pointless the dumbest couple in the country watch both shows funniest answers ever

— Christopher Bradley (@chriseb72) April 19, 2016

Seems #Dumbbritain are intermarrying and appearing on #pointless
Nicknamed 'Hanoi Jane': "Jane Seymour"
Wrote Northanger Abbey: "Jane Eyre"

— Katie Lane (@katieklane) April 19, 2016

Did he really just say Jane Eyre? #pointless

— RedTracyHastings (@RedTracyHasting) April 19, 2016

#pointless That's the worst answer given on this show since someone confused JFK for JR Ewing from Dallas.

— Edward Howard (@EdwardHoward11) April 19, 2016

Pointless. Sorry Sarah, but I think your partner is dimmer than you, if that's possible. Jane Eyre!! Lol!

— Sparkysue (@sparkysue) April 19, 2016

Funnily enough, David and Sarah didn’t get any further than then the third round of the show, after banking 200 points.

Ben obviously thought he’d struck it lucky when the category ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ came up during his game, as he famously danced on the show in 2013, where he met his now-girlfriend Kristina Rihanoff.

When he was asked to name a judge on the ‘Strictly’ panel Ben ended up choosing “Darcey Brussels”.

Pointless airs weekdays at 5.15pm on BBC One.

(*The correct answer was of course, Jane Austen).

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