Is The Queen Dead? No, And #MediaBlackout Is Not A Thing

But we would say that, wouldn't we?

2016 was the year of “fake news” so it’s seems almost suitable that it ends with rumours of the Queen’s death and an alleged media cover-up.

A spoof BBC News Twitter account sent people into a panicked frenzy on Thursday evening when it announced Her Majesty’s demise.

Looks like a fake BBC account reporting that the queen is dead

— Anthony Cheung (@AWMCheung) December 29, 2016

This being the internet many people took the news as gospel, with panic turning to embarrassment as the truth dawned.

I just fell for a fake BBC account announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II because it seemed obvious with this year.

— Christopher Campbell (@thefilmcynic) December 29, 2016

It is so 2016 that we all immediately believed that The Queen was dead because IT'S 2016.

— kat calvin (@KatCalvinLA) December 29, 2016

One gent even ran to Buckingham Palace to check.

Just did a jet lagged jog to the palace. It's totally quiet, nothing is going on. Silly twitter. #LongLiveTheQueen! #mediablackout

— Charlie Archer (@1CharlieArcher) December 30, 2016

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh continue to recover from their heavy colds.”

But this is 2016, a year where literally anything goes, so it was only natural that the complete lack of any evidence of the Queen’s death wasn’t enough to deter the conspiracy theorists.

So obviously, the most likely explanation is that she is in fact dead and the media is covering it up.

So there's a unsubstantiated rumour the Queen has died but there's a #mediablackout until 8am
Most likely BS but anything's possible in 2016

— I am a meat popsicle (@Foo_fan_Shaun) December 30, 2016

When you realise you've been up the majority of the night looking at #mediablackout and it's been all for nothing...

— James Dwyer (@jamesdwyer192) December 30, 2016

But we would say it was all untrue, wouldn’t we?

MSM would deny any #mediablackout

— David Scott (@daveofclanscott) December 30, 2016

By Friday morning #MediaBlackout was top trend on Twitter.

is BBC news the best channel to find out the true answer to #mediablackout ? If the queen died it'd be on there first surely🤔

— Connie (@C_nnie_) December 30, 2016

Oh god 😩#mediablackout what's this all about ? #notanother #gonetoosoon annoucement at 8 am @BBCBreaking

— Jill Kenton (@JillKenton) December 30, 2016

15 minutes and counting .. #mediablackout

— billyjackbitch™ (@blackKrypt0nite) December 30, 2016

The run up to 8am feels a lot like NYE 1999 #mediablackout

— Kate Gilson (@kategilson) December 30, 2016

This year has been particularly bad for celebrity deaths and the Queen’s recent ill-health that led to her delaying her usual Christmas trip to Sandringham will do nothing to quell the rumours.

The Queen traditionally spends the festive period with her family gathered around her at her Norfolk estate.

@HuffPostUK They say it's a hoax however they would keep it quiet until after the NYE celebrations

— Johnheaver (@jonnysta) December 30, 2016

In the German tradition, presents are opened on Christmas Eve before a candlelit banquet.

Whoever made this, thank you very much. Massively cheered me up after the #mediablackout #QueenElizabeth panic!

God Save The Queen!

— JimBob (@JungleJimBob) December 30, 2016

We're a funny lot us Brits aren't we? Mortified by celebrity deaths, but disappointed when fake ones don't happen ... #mediablackout

— (@AngryBritain) December 30, 2016

Did you know #mediablackout is an anagram of "gullible twats"?

— Blackcatzz (@mush1988) December 30, 2016

The Queen to step down immediately and be succeeded by Danny Dyer.
A new "10 PAAAND" note will be in circulation by Monday.#mediablackout

— SadfaceOtter (@SadFaceOtter) December 30, 2016

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