Rick Scott Praised By 'Satanists' At Mock Rally

A group of self-proclaimed "satanists" staged a mock rally in support of Florida Gov. Rick Scott Friday for signing a bill that permits school districts to allow students to read inspirational messages of their choosing at assemblies and sporting events.

The group, called The Satanic Temple, hung a sign proclaiming "Hail Satan! Hail Rick Scott!" while rallying on the steps of the Florida capitol building.

Lucien Greaves, the spokesman for the group, insisted earlier that the rally was "not a hoax," but the Miami Herald discovered that Greaves is currently working on a film called "The Satanic Temple."

Greaves -- who said his efforts were meant to be "humorous" -- said he was shooting "old-style, like '80s Mormon kind of PSA-type" spots for The Satanic Temple, according to Fox News:

The spokesman, Lucien Greaves of Cambridge, Mass., earlier this month had been listed on the Actors Access website as the casting director in an ad seeking unpaid, nonunion actors in Tallahassee. They were wanted to perform in a "mockumentary" titled "The Satanic Temple."

Greaves insisted it wasn't all a hoax, although a smile creased his face as he said it.

"Mockumentary" wasn't his terminology, Greaves said. He said the video crew was shooting public service announcements and a history of Satanism for internal use.

Prior to Friday's rally, the group released a statement praising Scott for the bill, which even stirred controversy among some religious leaders.

"The Satanic Temple embraces the free expression of religion, and Satanists are happy to show their support of Rick Scott who -- particularly with SB 98 -- has reaffirmed our American freedom to practice our faith openly, allowing our Satanic children the freedom to pray in school," the statement said.

HuffPost Miami reported earlier on the contentious bill:

The bill dictates that school officials are not permitted to mediate, approve, or participate in these "inspirational messages," which expand upon the two minutes of silence for quiet prayer or meditation previously observed in Florida public schools.

Although the word "prayer" was axed from early drafts of the bill, the legislation was largely seen as a way to sneak religion back into schools.


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