'Star Wars' Actor Mark Hamill Reveals Disagreements Over 'The Last Jedi' Plot

He was unhappy about 'virtually everything' in the new film, apparently.

‘Star Wars’ actor Mark Hamill has admitted he disagreed with producers over his character’s part in the upcoming eighth instalment, ‘The Last Jedi’.

Mark has played Luke Skywalker in the sci-fi franchise since ‘A New Hope’ in 1977, and the plot of the 2015 reboot ‘The Force Awakens’ focussed on tracking down the missing character.

Mark Hamill in character as Luke Skywalker, with co-star Carrie Fisher
Mark Hamill in character as Luke Skywalker, with co-star Carrie Fisher
Terry O'Neill via Getty Images

Although Luke Skywalker appeared only briefly at the end of Episode VII, he’ll have a much larger role in the follow-up, but Mark has admitted he wasn’t totally bowled over by his character’s storyline.

Responding in particular to the shocking moment in the ‘Last Jedi’ trailer when Luke says it’s time to “end the Jedi”, Mark revealed: “It was as shocking for me to read what Rian had written as I’m sure it will be for the audience.”

Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford
Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford
Gustavo Caballero via Getty Images

Mark did say he was ready to eat his words, though, adding of his only scene in ‘The Force Awakens’: “I was really wrong about that. I said, ‘When I turn around, the audience is going to hoot and holler because it’s such an obvious cheat’.

Mark Hamill in 'The Force Awakens'
Mark Hamill in 'The Force Awakens'

‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ arrives in cinemas at the end of this year, with a spin-off film centring around Han Solo’s early years currently slated for release in May 2018.


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