We have all experienced it - that moment of fear before walking into a fancy dress party that you are going to be the only one in a costume.
That’s what exactly happened to poor George Youel, who turned up to college on Halloween in a lobster costume only to find that he had been pranked by his classmates.

“I proudly slid on my lobster suit and made my way to college, where I pulled into the car park and it finally hit me, I had been stood up looking like a mug,” the 18-year-old told the Metro.
“I walked to my class with pride, only to find out no one had dressed up but myself. Even the teacher was in stitches when he saw my lobster.”

But rather than running home in embarrassment, the brave Banbury College student decided to make the most of situation, proudly wearing the costume all day.
George added: “I decided to stand my ground at this point and continue being the lobster I always dreamed of being.”
George’s daring has earned him some serious respect on Twitter, with more than 3,000 people liking a picture of him with his prankster classmates.
Every cloud has a silver lining, I guess.