Theresa May Was Asked About Boris Johnson's 'Mugwump' And Her Response Wasn't A Parody

Strong and stable. Strong and stable. Strong and stable.

Theresa May has summarised this entire election with her answer when she was asked what Boris Johnson’s “mugwump” was.

The Foreign Secretary made his election debut on standard form: using a word Edward Lear might have made up that sent Britain’s journalists looking in their dictionaries.

He called Jeremy Corbyn a “mutton-headed old mugwump” writing in The Sun on Thursday and the word was then said almost as many times as the prime minister has said “strong and stable”.


On Thursday afternoon, the prime minister appeared on BBC Radio Derby and was asked: “Do you know what a mugwump is?”

She laughed and genuinely said, for the 432,356th time: “What I recognise is that what we need in this country is strong and stable leadership.”

Radio Derby to PM: Do you know what a mugwump is?

PM: What I recognise is that what we need in this country is strong and stable leadership

— Ross Hawkins (@rosschawkins) April 27, 2017

This entire election, in one exchange

— Hadley Freeman (@HadleyFreeman) April 27, 2017

This is going to be a very long five weeks.

— Emma Burnell (@EmmaBurnell_) April 27, 2017

This is, astonishingly, not a parody.

— Stig Abell (@StigAbell) April 27, 2017

There are a range of definitions of “mugwump” but the most succinct is perhaps “someone who doesn’t want strong and stable Government”.


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