Everyone flocks to the DIY shop to finally put up that shelf that's been sitting there for 6 months
Injuries ensue
Brighton train station looks like a scene out of War of the Worlds
And so does the beach
A quiet Sunday Roast at the pub spirals entirely out of control
Well it would be rude not to
Everyone says "all weekends should be three days long" knowing it will never ever happen
Please, tell us again
If you try to get out of the city you waste most of the day sat in traffic
While motorists have a wee at the side of the M25
Disposable BBQ trays sell out on Friday afternoon
Good luck finding a park to have one in
You plan to use your extra day doing something cultural, but instead you just spend it watching Netflix and scrolling through Instagram
House of Cards?
No matter what, it always rains
Don't listen to the forecasters
And there's always one grumpy mate who didn't get the day off work...
No Karen, we don't care that you have to work today