There's a referendum happening tomorrow and it would appear the country is collectively losing its mind.
Already today we've had BoJo kissing a fish, Bobby George saying #DontFuckMyFuture and Ukip MEP Steven Woolfe reading a self-penned poem but this, ladies and gents, is peak referendum.
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron has filmed a rap tribute to footballer John Barnes to thank him for writing a heartfelt case for remain earlier in the day.
Here it is. Ready? You're not but go ahead anyway...
'Jacka' sums it up quite nicely.
Farron does have musical form - the Cumbria MP told the Huffington Post UK last year that he once fronted a group “written off as a fourth rate New Order”.
He refused to reveal the name of the three-piece as “you can find it on YouTube”.
But a day after the feature ran, the Huffington Post was sent a picture of Mr Farron in what could be described as New Romantic finery.