UK Follows US Ban On Laptops On Flights From Middle East And Africa

Inbound flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia affected.

The government has confirmed it will ban laptops and other electronic devices on certain flights entering the UK - in a move mirroring rules implemented in the US on Tuesday.

Downing Street said on Tuesday afternoon that airline passengers would be banned from carrying laptops in cabin luggage on inbound direct flights from Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia.

In announcing the ban, Downing Street said that the “safety and security of the travelling public is our highest priority”.

“That is why we keep our aviation security under constant review and put in place measures we believe are necessary, effective and proportionate”.

Downing Street confirms ban on laptops and other electronic devices on certain flights entering the UK
Downing Street confirms ban on laptops and other electronic devices on certain flights entering the UK
Compassionate Eye Foundation/Steve Smith via Getty Images

It continued: “The Prime Minister has chaired a number of meetings on aviation security over the last few weeks, including this morning, where it was agreed that new aviation security measures on all inbound direct flights to the UK from the following countries will be introduced: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia.

“We have been in close touch with the Americans to fully understand their position.”

Downing Street said the affected airlines had been informed of the new requirements which will see passengers boarding flights to the UK from the listed countries banned from taking any phones, laptops or tablets larger than a normal sized mobile or smart phone (larger than Length: 16.0cm, Width: 93cm. Depth: 1.5cm) into the cabin of the plane.

Devices exceeding those specifications will need to be placed into hold luggage and checked-in before going through central security.

“The additional security immures may cause some disruption for passengers and flights, and we understand the frustration that will cause, but our top priority will always be to maintain the safety of British nationals,” Downing Street said.

No10: Final decision on laptop ban taken by PM and "all relevant ministers" at a meeting this morning. Under discussion "for last few weeks"

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) March 21, 2017

The US government on Tuesday banned laptops, tablets and other electronic devices in the cabins of flights to and from the US from nine airlines operating in parts of North Africa and the Middle East.

The ban affects devices larger than a mobile phone including cameras, DVD players and electronic games and is believed to have been prompted by ongoing threats from terrorist groups against commercial airlines.

Officials from the Departments of Homeland Security and Transportation imposed the change which affects passengers on direct flights to and from the US from 10 airports in Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.

Royal Jordanian airlines caused confusion by tweeting about the US ban before officials formally announced it
Royal Jordanian airlines caused confusion by tweeting about the US ban before officials formally announced it
STR New / Reuters

The ban was indefinite, an unnamed official told the Associated Press (AP), who reported that the measure had been considered for several weeks.

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly phoned lawmakers over the weekend, AP reported, to brief them on aviation security issues that prompted the electronics ban, according a congressional aide, who was not authorised to speak publicly about the issue.

The ban would begin just before Wednesday’s meeting of the US-led coalition against the Islamic State group in Washington.

A number of top Arab officials were expected to attend the State Department gathering.

Brian Jenkins, an aviation-security expert at the Rand Corporation said the nature of the security measure suggested that it was driven by intelligence of a possible attack. He added that there could be concern about inadequate passenger screening or even conspiracies involving insiders - airport or airline employees - in some countries, AP reported.

Another aviation-security expert, professor Jeffrey Price of Metropolitan State University of Denver, said there were disadvantages to having everyone put their electronics in checked baggage.

Thefts from baggage would skyrocket, as when Britain tried a similar ban in 2006, he said, and some laptops have batteries that can catch fire - an event easier to detect in the cabin than in the cargo hold.

Most major airports in the United States have a computer tomography or CT scanner for checked baggage, which creates a detailed picture of a bag’s contents. They can warn an operator of potentially dangerous material, and may provide better security than the X-ray machines used to screen passengers and their carry-on bags. All checked baggage must be screened for explosives.


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