Ukip MP Douglas Carswell Gets A Science Lesson After Arguing About Gravity And Brexit

'Douglas, this isn't a controversial point - it's in Newton's Principia.'

A Ukip MP has been schooled on the basic principles of gravity after a failed attempt to argue with an academic over a Brexit analogy.

Douglas Carswell found himself on the receiving end of a science lesson after contesting a claim made by Professor Paul Nightingale, a senior researcher at the University of Sussex.

Nightingale had used the concept of gravity to call for free-trade links to be forged close to home.

“Want to understand trade? Think gravity: size and distance matter,” he wrote on Twitter. “UK-Ireland greater than UK-China.”

He followed up the remark with a planetary analogy: “Jupiter is big but the moon moves tides.”

Want 2 understand trade? Think gravity: size & distance matter. UK-Ireland greater than UK-China

"Jupiter is big but the moon moves tides"

— Paul Nightingale (@Nightingale_P) September 18, 2016

But that last sentence stoked the interest of Carswell, who decided to argue back and declare it was the sun’s gravitational pull that caused tides.

@Nightingale_P @DuncanWeldon actually it's the gravitational pull of the sun. The moon's gravity does Spring / neap tides

— Douglas Carswell MP (@DouglasCarswell) September 18, 2016

Nightingale politely pointed back that he had been “mis-informed”, and that even though the sun was 27 million times bigger than the moon, it was also 390 times further away - weakening its gravitational pull.

@DouglasCarswell @DuncanWeldon sorry Douglas, you've been mis-informed. Tides caused by moon not the sun (27m x bigger). Distance matters.

— Paul Nightingale (@Nightingale_P) September 19, 2016

Carswell remained steadfast, though, and said he was “surprised” to discover the academic refuted his claim.

@Nightingale_P @DuncanWeldon surprised head of Science research at a university refutes idea sun's gravity causes tides.

— Douglas Carswell MP (@DouglasCarswell) September 19, 2016

To which Nightingale could only reply:

“Douglas, this isn't a controversial point. It's in Newton's Principia”

Another prominent academic, Rob Ford, quipped that it was time for a “common sense approach to gravity”.

It doesn't "feel" true though. Sun big, moon small. Time for a common sense approach to gravity.

— (((Rob Ford))) (@robfordmancs) September 20, 2016

One Labour councillor even took the chance to pass Carswell the link to a Nasa website for kids that explained the moon and sun’s gravitational pull on earth.

@DouglasCarswell @Nightingale_P @DuncanWeldon here is how @NASA explain it to kids:

— Cllr Warren Morgan (@warrenmorgan) September 20, 2016

But people wouldn’t stop chiding Carsell for his insistence he knew better.

This week on "Carswell vs The Experts", Douglas tries his hand at physics. You have to admire his tenacity. Facts ain't gonna hold him back.

— The Secret Barrister (@BarristerSecret) September 20, 2016

I can’t wait for the BBC to comission @DouglasCarswell to explain other astronomic and meteorological events. #CarswellExplains

— Dave Jones (@WelshGasDoc) September 20, 2016

Douglas Carswell is in good company. The British Navy in his patch misunderstood tides and ignored experts too. The Dutch invaded in 1688.

— Tom Forth (@thomasforth) September 20, 2016

Douglas Carswell is right, guys. The moon brings the tide in, then the sun evaporates it. Also, the left ball makes boy sperm, the right ba

— Kit Lovelace (@kitlovelace) September 20, 2016



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