The DUP And 7 Times They've Done Something Batsh*t Crazy

Time to get specific.

On Friday HuffPost UK brought you ‘5 Reasons You Should Be Seriously Worried About The DUP’.

Well, it’s time to get specific.

1) When a councillor tried to ban the sale of beer - at a beer festival

Erm... "DUP Cllr bids to ban drink at beer festival"

— Donal Lyons (@DonalLyons) July 3, 2013

2) When William McCrea asked for airstrikes against the Republic of Ireland

William McCrea ( front C).
William McCrea ( front C).
Reuters Photographer / Reuters

In the 1986, then-DUP MP, William McCrea, asked the Tories to launch airstrikes against Republican strongholds

A classified memo released publicly in 2014, reads: “Rev William McCrea urged Libya-type strikes against Dundalk, Drogheda, Crossmaglen and Carrickmore.”

It also says another senior DUP member, Gregory Campbell, made an “extravagant contribution” calling for “even the foundations of Maryfield to be demolished”.

As a bonus here he is singing a country song.

This is Willie Mcrea
Former DUP MP
supporter of the LVF
called an airstrike against Dundalk
loves country music

— Michael McBride 🔵 (@IsMiseMick) June 10, 2017

3) When Maurice Mills blamed Hurricane Katrina on gay people

Maurice Mills in 2015.
Maurice Mills in 2015.
Charles McQuillan via Getty Images

DUP councillor, Maurice Mills, was awarded an MBE in 2015 - the same man who thinks natural disasters are a result of the LGBTQ community.

He said of Hurricane Katrina in 2005: “The media failed to report that the hurricane occurred just two days prior to the annual homosexual event called the Southern Decadence festival which the previous year had attracted an estimated 125,000 people

“Surely this is a warning to nations where such wickedness is increasingly promoted and practised.”

4) When Sammy Wilson appeared to call for the ridding of ‘ethnics

Here's Sammy Wilson MP and a constituent casually shooting the breeze about ridding the country of "ethnics"#IntroducingTheDUP

— L.A.D (@LADFLEG) June 10, 2017

Just last year, East Antrim MP, Sammy Wilson, was forced to deny he had agreed with a member of the public who called for the removal of “ethnics” from Northern Ireland.

Wilson was recorded by the BBC in the clip above.

He said later: “They chose to present this as if I had some secret conversation with a man, got caught out and those were my views.

“They know full well they were not my views.”

5) When Gregory Campbell called for the regulation of Ouija boards

Credit to @malkinflower for the most entertaining way to resist the DUP. Gay séance in Parliament Square, anyone?

— Midsummer Evie ✨ (@EvieBelievie) June 10, 2017

In 2015, the DUP MP for East Londonderry, Gregory Campbell, asked the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills to regulate the sale of the “spirit boards”.

He was told this would not happen.

6) When Sammy Wilson described breastfeeding as ‘exhibitionism’

DUP MP believes breast-feeding mothers are exhibitionists #IntroducingtheDUP

— Danny Donnelly (@DannyDonnelly1) June 9, 2017

Yup, him again.

Last year the DUPO was forced to distance itself from comments he made about breastfeeding in the House of Commons.

He said there was an element of “voyeurism” in women wanting to breastfeed in the chamber, later amending his comment to say “exhibitionism”.

7) Being caught on video dancing even though its founder said it was ‘sinful’

Well, it’s almost dancing...

DUP founder, Ian Paisley, once said:

“Line dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing, with its sexual gestures and touching. It is an incitement to lust.”

And a bonus eighth helpfully pointed out by one of our readers:


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