Childbirth: Why Women Forget The Pain

The downright gorgeous Holly Willoughby has recently been quoted saying that she loves giving birth. She said that although birthpainful, it was a different kind of pain and it made her feel more alive that ever before - a feeling she has not gotten from anything else.

The downright gorgeous Holly Willoughby has recently been quoted saying that she loves giving birth. She said that although birth was painful, it was a different kind of pain and it made her feel more alive that ever before - a feeling she has not gotten from anything else.

'WHATTT! This b*tch is crazy!', I can practically hear you scream at your screens from here, but actually...I agree.

When my sister was pregnant at the start of the year, we were shopping for baby clothes and I asked her if she was excited at the thought of having a new baby and her answer was...

"Hell no! I'm petrified, are you kidding? I do NOT want to give birth again, it makes me feel sick even thinking about it!"

I thought she was crazy, and I told her so. Birth for me was, yes of course so painful, but absolutely amazing and so life affirming! I went on to remind her of all the things that happen after birth.

To start, the pain goes almost instantly. If it doesn't...well it feels as though it does. This could be a mixture of hormones, drugs and distraction in the form of the cutest baby you will ever have seen, but it definitely went straight away for me. Secondly, birth is so exhausting that you are happy just to have it over with, but truthfully you will (I hope) feel the happiest you have ever been straight after the baby has finally made an appearance. (Whether your labour has taken 48 hours or 20 minutes, the word finally will always be accurate.)

Then comes the rush of hormones making you feel like superwoman. You can take on the world. You could probably lift a truck. You are woman. You are Mom. You are amazing. Look at you. Look at what you made. Look at what you did. YOU ARE AWESOME.

You will also have the most body confidence that you will ever have. 20 aspiring nurses and doctors wanna take a quick look at me and my *whoha*? Sure thing! Come, take pictures if you like! Look at my body! Look at what it can do! It is a wonderland after all, just like John Mayer said! Oh, and don't mind my tit down's nourishing this fresh little human - THAT I MADE! Are you impressed yet? Go on, tell me how impressed you are by my natural body.

There is no wine, drug or quick thrill like it in the entire world. It can boost you so high, you don't know how you will ever come down. That is, of course, until you crash of exhaustion.

I have no plans at the moment to have any more children, but I agree with Holly. It definitely is saddening that I may never feel that high again.

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