Babies & Toddlers

Whether it's a parent or partner – people have a *lot* of thoughts when it comes to vaccinating kids. Here's how to handle the tricky subject.
"I envision giving him these videos on his 18th birthday and sobbing my eyes out as we watch it together," said Hope Chambers of the sweet birthday tradition.
It feels horrible, we know. But thankfully this stage won't last forever.
From babies to toddlers and school kids to teens, here's what experts say...
“We try to listen to him and bring him whatever he asks, do whatever he asks us to do," a parent tells HuffPost UK. Here, a therapist explains why they need to change tack.
"Yesterday she was mad I put her sandwich on a plate instead of just putting it in her hands."
Parents seem to think so. But experts aren't on board.
"Let's not normalise parent and child functioning every day on sleep deprivation," said the TV personality.
If you've been on the receiving end of a toddler slap recently, listen up.