Josie Long - Romance and Adventure - Pleasance Courtyard - 4 stars

Josie Long - Romance and Adventure - Pleasance Courtyard - 4 stars

I'd heard that Josie Long was becoming ever more politicised with every Edinburgh show and this show seems to be zenith of such aspirations. Much of the show concerns Josie's disillusionment in coalition Britain and coming to terms with turning 30. Long has that beautiful knack of expressing our own sentiments, thoughts and feelings in a much more eloquent and hilarious way. She's the Guardian reader's comedian in the best way possible.

Josie plays off the audience beautifully and seemed as comfortable and funny adlibbing as she was with the prepared material. She splices together political ramblings and mock indignation with delightful flights of fancy all strung along together with frequent usage of a 1920s style voice. Her impression of Ed Miliband should he be elected was a particular highlight as was the bizarre things to do before you're 30 list as well as finding time to reference Kurt Vonnegut.

She's a very likeable presence on the stage and you're left with the overriding feeling after that you wish she was one of your friends. Long has already gained a loyal army of fans with her whimsical charm and I can only foresee that number getting larger.


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