Six Best Podcasts: What To Listen To

Every day I cycle an hour to work and listen to podcasts. It's my favourite thing to do while riding and turns a commute into a productive, educational moment. Here is a list of six best podcasts you should listen to, particularly if you are interested in health, business, productivity, entrepreneurship and comedy.

The 6 Best New Podcasts To Listen To

Every day I cycle an hour to work and listen to podcasts. It's my favourite thing to do while riding and turns a commute into a productive, educational moment.

Here is a list of six best podcasts you should listen to, particularly if you are interested in health, business, productivity, entrepreneurship and comedy.

Some of the podcasts are new, some are old. All of them are timeless. Subscribe to the podcasts below and turn your commute into something enjoyable. Note - I recommend using the Overcast app to listen to podcasts as it has a 'Smart Speed' feature; cutting out silences.

Lawrence Neal combines business, entrepreneurship, productivity and health into one mega-podcast. New on the block, he's interviewed bodybuilding greats such as Jay Vincent, Mark Sisson and Doug McGuff. Lawrence delves into specifics with 1-2 hour podcasts, and is useful for anyone trying to start a business, get more out of the day, or looking to build muscle and lose fat.

Patt Flynn is an award winning Podcaster, featured by iTunes for two years. His podcast, Smart Passive Income has had over 22 million downloads and is a regular favourite of mine. Patt interviews successful entrepreneurs with a focus on 'passive income' - automated income streams that come from a variety of projects, rather than one big business. Having said that, there's plenty of business moguls on there too. Usually about 45 minutes in length.

Hilarious and audacious, My Dad Wrote a Porno is a comedy podcast in which Jamie Morton helped by his friends James Cooper and Alice Levine read out chapters from an erotic book his 60-year-old dad has written. Now on it's second series, this is one of the best podcasts and regularly makes me almost fall off my bike laughing. 30-40 minutes in length.

Have you ever watched QI with Stephen Fry? No Such Thing As A Fish is a weekly podcast from the researchers of that show who discuss four of their favourite facts. Brilliant and funny, the podcast has enjoyed millions of downloads and is educational as well as entertaining. A rare but valuable combination.

Featuring The News Quiz, The Now Show, Dead Ringers and The Museum of Curiosity, this professional produced podcast (with live audience) from the BBC is a must-listen. I especially love the News Quiz which wraps up political events of the week and puts a comedic-spin on them. Think of it like the audio version of Have I Got News For You.

An American podcaster, Tim Ferriss interviews a plethora of world-class experts and deconstructs their success stories. Film directors, comedians, writers, investors, entrepreneurs, athletes and more, the podcast offers unparalleled insight into the mind of the world's best. Mostly with American guests and usually 1-2 hours long.

Tom Church is co-founder of LatestDeals and author of Money's Big Secret.


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