8 Great Character Toothbrushes For Children

8 Great Character Toothbrushes For Children

Whilst some habits like nail biting are hard for young kids to break, others are hard to make. Getting them to brush their teeth morning and night definitely falls into the latter.

As a kid, I used to hate the boring routine of spending two minutes morning and evening brushing and rinsing my teeth. That resistance disappeared when I visited the dentist and realised that caring for my teeth at home was much more preferable to facing the scary drill of my dentist.

Perhaps I'd have been more inclined to pick up my toothbrush at an earlier age and get scrubbing if I'd had something like this Hello Kitty Sonic Toothbrush, top right, Argos, £9.99

  • MAM Baby's First Toothbrush, middle right, ToysRUs, £2.99
  • Doctor Who Dalek Sonic toothbrush, bottom right, Very.co.uk, £10
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