Baby Jesus Fitted With GPS To Prevent Theft From Nativity Scenes

Baby Jesus Fitted With GPS To Prevent Theft From Nativity Scenes

Churches in America are fitting their Baby Jesus dolls and figures with GPS tracker systems in an attempt to thwart thieves.

After a nationwide spate of Baby Jesus thefts from churches and nativity displays, security company, BrickHouse, is offering free Jesus trackers to churches and religious communities across the country.

The company is also fitting the devices inside Hanukkah Menorah candle holders for Jewish organisations.

The thefts of baby Jesus statues from nativity scenes has been rife across the country. One church, the St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church in Old Bridge, New Jersey told Fox News they installed the device after suffering numerous Baby Jesus thefts in the past.

'There's been no attempt of theft since we announced that we're tracking our Jesus,' said Alan Czyewski of St. Ambrose Church. 'This is our third year, and we love this. People are now well aware of our GPS Jesus, so they leave it alone.'

What do you think of this story?

Have you experienced a theft from your nativity display or of your Christmas decorations?
