Can A Fertility App Really Help You Get Pregnant?

Can A Fertility App Really Help You Get Pregnant?

Is there nothing the iPhone can't do? It can keep you connected, entertained and informed - but can it really help you get pregnant?

LifeForce, a new iPhone app launched this week says yes. It claims to: "help would-be parents start a family quickly and without the huge expense of using fertility clinics".

Load in the app for £3.99 from, and an on-screen menu takes users through a virtual consultaion and diagnosis of their fertility problems. This leads through to video consultations with Harley Street consultant Dr Laurence Shaw

The software also offers a consultation with Sky TV's "intuitive counsellor", Jules Williams, to deal with any psychological problems which may be stopping you getting pregnant. It also points users towards sources of fertility drugs at the cheapest prices.

LifeForce claims to be the world's first fertility app, although apps to track ovulation and periods have been around for quite some time - last year we looked at a range of apps for mums here.

LifeForce is the brainchild of Rosemary Reed who devised the app after going though IVF on several occasions herself. She says she wants to provide a cheap alternative for would-be parents, and an option other than expensive consultations.

However, whilst Rosemary's heart may be in the right place, is selling an app like this the right way to go about it? Can physical and psychological problems really be diagnosed and treated via software like this?

If you are having problems getting pregnant, there really is no substitute for going to see a doctor who will examine you and your partner as individuals and give you personalised advice and treatment. The danger is that people will use this app as an alternative to seeing their doctor.

What do you think?

Would you trust a mobile phone app to tell you the state of your fertility?

Would you use this in preference to seeing a doctor?

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