Ten Of The Best UK Twitter Feeds

Ten UK Twitter Accounts You Should Be Following

To help guide you through the morass of mediocre Twitter accounts, we've curated a list of ten UK Twitter feeds you should be following right now.

We're not going to rattle through the usual Brit Twitterati - chances are if you've got as far as setting up your Twitter account you've already decided whether to join their army of followers or to stick your head in the Twitter-sand and ignore.

Instead we're going to highlight some of the Twitter gems that might have passed under your radar - a collection of ten of the best UK Twitter feeds posting interesting, hilarious and thought-provoking stuff.

I blog about bad journalism, in particular the terrible things that the Daily Mail writes and generally retweet similiar things from others.

Kevin Arscott is the author of Angry Mob - a blog set up to dissect Daily Mail articles and take them to task over inaccuracies, bad practice and stoking the fires of intolerance. For fans and haters of tabloids alike, the information Kevin tweets or retweets offers an interesting perspective on tabloid news reporting.

Helo i am Dumper i do workexpereiance at Pop Justice, ienjoy socielising and music / Purveyors Of Amazing Pop Music

Popjustice is a music website run by Peter Robinson. Dumper is Popjustice's work experience robot whose approach to spelling is best described as 'unique' and whose tweets reveal him to be possibly the most unlucky robot in the world. He's also fond of pictures of shirtless, good-looking men but is definitely "notgay". Twitter conversation between the two creates real-time events - Dumper once got stuck in the Popjustice offices for a whole weekend after being too afraid to ask what a key fob was. If your heart is easily broken you might want to read with caution.

Journalist, blogger and geek with a penchant for animal-themed t-shirts. Associate Editor of Wired.co.uk. Tech, science, media, culture and zoo-borns.

If geek stuff, weird stuff, fascinating stuff, horse stuff, and other stuff interests you, you should definitely add Olivia to your Twitterstream. Official US recommendations for hunting yeti, is just one of the things you could learn about.

Booksellers (and time travellers) on Oxford Street, opposite Selfridges.

A gloriously non-corporate corporate (well, to the best of our knowledge) Twitter account - think @betfairpoker but for books. Actually, @betfairpoker and @WstonesOxfordSt had a romatic flirtation back in August - it was poetic. Follow for highly spurious #bookfacts, bookshop fantasia and intelligent ridiculousness.

All Flash games ideas I'll get round to making when I'm Man Enough. Updated daily mon-friday.

A repository of all the genius flashgaming ideas dreamt up by a developer without enough hours in the day to bring them to fruition. Each update links to a new idea on the Gametoilet blog complete with illustrated explanation. Monkey Butler Express anyone? Word to the wise - probably not for the easily offended given some of the subject matter but the adorable drawings do take the edge off!

Writer. I run Letters of Note and Letterheady. Follow @LoNFeed for *just* Letters of Note updates, and @Letterheady for *just* new letterheads.

Letters of Note is a website which gathers together fascinating written correspondence (Stanley Kubrick to Ingmar Bergman, Conan O'Brien to a hopeful prom date request...). There is another Twitter account dedicated to the site's feed but we prefer @LettersofNote - editor Shaun Usher's personal Twitter account - which gives better teasers for the letters.

The BBC's flagship political debate programme. Use #bbcqt in your tweets to get involved in the discussion / DIMBLEBOT IS LOYAL TO BIO-DIMBLEBY AND THE CURRENT MONARCH (ELIZABETH II).

The former is the official account for BBC's political panel show Question Time. The latter claims to be the robot version of host David Dimbleby (or, in Dimblebot-speak, Bio-Dimbleby). @bbcquestiontime tweets key points from the programme's discussion while Dimblebot threatens unruly participants with Dimblelasers. It emerged during a special edition of the show on 11 August that Bio-Dimbleby knows of Dimblebot's existence. Twitter promptly exploded with joy.

run run run run

Given a lot of your Twitter feed will essentially be a stream of people and organisations clamouring for attention, @common_squirrel is the perfect antidote and pops up occasionally just to run around or eat a nut. Okay so the location is listed as Tehran which, at my last reckoning, isn’t part of the UK but, as visitors to any one of London’s parks will know, a grey squirrel knows how to make itself at home in Britain so we're keeping him in! Surprisingly soothing.

So there you go - you can follow them individually or via our curated Top Tweeters list.

Did we miss anyone?


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