Cat Gets A 'Massage' From Excited Puppy (Video)

VIDEO: Patient Cat Lets Puppy 'Massage' Its Back

This cool cat manages to stay calm during a clumsy puppy massage, rolling his eyes as the puppy chews his ear and continues to rub the cats' back with his soft baby paws. The puppy's tiny tail wags happily during the 'massage'.

Cats and dogs are unlikely companions but adult animals tend to be more patient towards younger creatures. It probably prevented this moggy from going mutts.

Unperplexed by the puppy's continuing attempts to climb aboard, it's only when the puppy tries to hang from the cat's ear that the patient pet appears to have had enough.

As the puppy falls off in a furry ball, Huffington Post UK looks at a another unlikely attachment of an alpaca, though the kitten will have nothing to do with it. Look out for the alpaca's pink nail varnish.


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