Donald Trump Takes To YouTube Over Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Dictator' Dumping Ashes On Ryan Seacrest (VIDEO)

WATCH: Donald Trump Wades In On The Sacha Baron Cohen 'Ashes-gate' Row

Of course flaxen-haired millionaire Donald Trump has taken to YouTube to give his opinion on Sacha Baron Cohen's ashes-based Oscars prank on Ryan Seacrest. Of course he has. Of course.

Following on from an antagonistic tweet he unleashed on the world earlier in the day, Trump took some time off work to tell the world what he thinks of The Dictator and its creator in an irritable rant on his YouTube channel.

And in case you missed the actual prank itself during the Oscars on Sunday, where Baron Cohen dumped an urn full of what he called "Kim Jong-Il's ashes" over America's red carpet interviewer extraordinaire, here it is once more:

And finally, just so everyone is fully aware why Donald Trump got so riled about the whole thing - even though ostensibly he has nothing to do with Ryan Seacrest - here's the prank Baron Cohen pulled on Trump back when Ali G was still a thing. Warning: Trump is especially Trumpy in this one:

Our favourite bit of Trump's tirade? "I only wish Ryan had taken a swing at him." Us too, Donald, us too. Also included in Trump's speech is a mini-moan about how Vanity Fair is boring now, according to him. Coincidentally, him talking about Vanity Fair is the most boring bit of his video too.

Just to lighten the mood somewhat, here's our collection of the silliest photographs taken on the very same Oscars red carpet. Loads of fun, this is... and it kicks off with Tina Fey crossing herself at - you guessed it - Kim Jong-Il's spilled ashes.


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