Twitter Declares National Kiss Day, Who Cares If It's Not, Just Pucker Up With These Horrendously Awkward Smackers (PICTURES)

Is It National Kiss Day? Who Cares, Just Pucker Up With These Horrendously Awkward Smackers (PICTURES)

Weird stuff is trending on Twitter. Even weirder than Justin Beiber and One Direction's near constant presence in the trend charts, we noticed today Tweeps were discussing National Kiss Day.

But it’s not until July 6, we hear you cry! Does it even matter though? Why not have a flick through our gallery of the most hideously awkward smackers ever, just for the hell of it?

And if you have no one to kiss for this entirely fabricated celebration, the thought of puckering up with Cherie Blair, Jodie Marsh or John Prescott will probably make you feel much, much better about that.


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