WATCH: David Beckham's Elle Magazine Photoshoot (VIDEO)

Becks Is One Elle Of A Guy (VIDEO)

David Beckham might have turned 37 this week but unlike most guys his age he's managed to avoid cultivating a beer belly, losing his hair or just generally looking a bit crap. In fact, he's getting better with age.

And if you're in any doubt, here he is on a cover shoot for the July issue of Elle magazine.

Yep, Elle. The women's fashion bible. Such is David's godlike status and all-round hotness that he'll be the first solo man ever to grace the cover in the history of well, anything.

The magazine's press office - obviously as giddy as we are at the prospect of David narrowing his eyes, pouting his lips and looking pensive (look it up David), have shared the love and released the behind-the-scenes video to stir up a bit of excitement before the issue goes on sale on May 30.

Mission accomplished.


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