Katie Price Silences A Room Full Of Journalists With Explicit Sex Comment About Alex Reid

Thanks For Oversharing, Katie

I really didn't think Katie Price could possibly say anything that I'd find even remotely shocking anymore - but, as she loves to keep reminding us - never underestimate the Pricey.

Yep, just when you thought she'd run out of things to pull out of the bag marked 'oooh this is a bit outrageous' she manages to scrabble around to find something - something so rude in fact, that it managed to silence a room full of journos.

Even I raised an eyebrow.

If you're of a nervous disposition (or under 18) then please look away now. We know that's about as effective as putting a sign above a big red button saying DO NOT PRESS but don't say we didn't warn you.

According to Now magazine, Katie made the comment whilst promoting her latest novel, In The Name Of Love.

When asked what was the rudest thing she'd ever done, the former glamour model replied (ahem): "I f***ed Alex [Reid] up the arse with a vodka bottle."

Told you.

Oh and Katie - waaaaaaaay T.M.I.

Alex Reid and Katie Price. Vodka bottle not pictured.

It's not the first time Katie - who was separated from Alex in January 2011 - has made public comments about her ex. Last month she branded the cross-dressing (something's he's since denied) cage fighter a 'tranny'.

Over to you Alex...



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