Jordan Cotton's 'Olivia' Tattoo Struck Through With 'S*** Happens' After Love Turns Sour (PICTURES)

'S*** Happens': Well It Did For This Guy (PICTURES)

A spurned lover who had the name of his significant other inked on his neck found himself in a tricky situation after she dumped him.

Rather than crying over spilt milk however, Jordan Cotton chose to have a line struck through the emblem “Olivia”, with the added comment: “S*** happens”, the Mirror reported.

The drama did not end there however, with Cotton, 21, later ending up before Blackburn magistrates after smashing Olivia Nuttall’s BlackBerry during a subsequent row.

Scroll down for a gallery of when body art 'goes bad'

An afterthought: Jordan Cotton had his declaration of love revised after he was dumped

Imran Hussain, defending, said Cotton got the tattoo during the “fairy tale” stage of the 18-month relationship, and regretted the incident.

Mr Hussain said:“She (Olivia) wasn’t very happy when she saw the edited version, just two weeks after they split. This caused a row during which he grabbed her phone and threw it against a wall.

“He accepts the relationship is now over and he doesn’t intend to have any further contact with this lady, or any more tattoos, the Lancashire Telegraph reported.

No love lost: Jordan Cotton and Olivia Nuttall


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