This Is NOT Jackie Stallone. We Repeat, This Is NOT Jackie Stallone.

This Is NOT Jackie Stallone. We Repeat, This Is NOT Jackie Stallone.

Turns out it wasn't Jackie Stallone at all but an imposter a guest going by the name of Ivone Weldon.

We know this because the photo agency who originally credited the snaps as Jackie Stallone contacted us to tell us they'd actually mis-credited the photos.


In case you're one of the three people in the universe who missed it, here's what Ivone looks like...

Well, it had us fooled. And Sylvester Stalloneis in the movie after all.

Let's compare and contrast...


We ran a story about how fabulous (and slightly odd) Jackie Stallone looked at 90-years-old (sorry Ivone!). As did everyoneelse, including the weekly celeb mags which had already gone to print before the case of mistaken identity had been raised. Well, Jackie isn't averse to a little nip and tuck so it wasn't entirely beyond the realms of possibility.

But who the heck is Ivone Weldon?

Well, she must be the only person in the universe who doesn't have any kind of online presence (Google her) despite rocking up to a major movie premiere looking like she's lived in LA all her life (well, she wasn't born with those lips).

In fact, all we could find was a Facebook account. She has 77 291 friends (including us) and counting (it seems Ivon is making the most of her 15 minutes. And why not?) None of her Facebook friends are movie stars. But one of them IS a movie producer by the name of Les Weldon who worked on The Expendables 2. That'll be her son.

So, we're sorry Ivone for mistaking you for a 90-year-old granny but she IS fabulous. And if you need any more convincing, here's ten things that might just do that...


  1. Her maiden name is Labofish. Amazing.
  2. As a child, Charles Atlas (world famous bodybuilder) lived with her and her family, who he trained in gymnastics, weight lifting and jogging.
  3. She actually did run away from home to join a circus.
  4. She's a lady of many talents. She knows how to cut hair, do your make-up, belt out a tune and errrm, fly (she was once an aerialist).
  5. These days she lists 'astrologer' as her occupation on her passport. You can even get her do to your own on her official website.
  6. She practices the *coughs* 'ancient art of Rumpology'. Think palm reading but replace the palms with bums. Brrrr.
  7. She also consults dogs about the future. It's unclear if she speaks dog or she's found a dog that speaks English.
  8. Her son Sylvester Stallone credits her with predicting 'every major event in my life through her uncanny mastery of the ancient art of Astrology. Didn't warn you against making Judge Dredd then Sly?
  9. She was the first woman on TV to have her own exercise show.
  10. She completed her last year of high school at the age of 40. That was half a century ago.

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