Office Romances Sparked By Xs And Emoticons, Online Dating Site Reveals

Office Dating: You Had Me At ';)'

Halt! Before you hit the send button on that email, you might want to have a think about the kind of messages you're giving off.

Office romances are often sparked by a cheeky emoticon or X, according to recent surveys by

Over half of those who got romantically involved with a colleague said that the affair had been initiated after Xs were sent in emails or text messages.

The survey also revealed that 90% of women and 85% of men agree that receiving a message with a X before a first date increased the likelihood of intimacy.

Despite the risk of giving colleagues the wrong idea, the majority were not put off and admitted to routinely sending Xs on the end of emails to work colleagues, family and friends.

This simple way of initiating office romance could be music to some ears, with 84% of 18-29 year olds revealing that they would engage in romance with a co-worker.

We spend most of our time at work, so it is understandable that many relationships blossom over a shared Excel spreadsheet or exchanged glances at the coffee machine. But we still can't help but wonder whether they are a good idea.

We've pulled together a selection of the most high profile relationships that began (and sometimes ended) at work to give us some perspective.

See also:
