Peace One Day 2012: Notable Anti-Domestic Abuse Campaigns And Schemes (PICTURES)

Notable Anti-Domestic Abuse Campaigns And Schemes (PICTURES, VIDEO)

Domestic violence is always shocking, as are the campaigns devised to raise awareness.

From the sight of Keira Knightley being punched and kicked to the ground (indeed this was deemed “too violent” for TV) to the spectacle of former Bond Girl Honor Blackman sporting a black eye, here are six notable campaigns that have stayed in our minds.

Make-up artist Lauren Luke fronted a campaign on behalf of UK charity Refuge

2. Women’s Aid won an award for their domestic violence awareness campaign, which saw celebrities including Anna Friel, Fern Britton, Jemma Kidd and Honor Blackman made-over to appear as if they had been beaten.

The ACTCampaign asked everyone to “act until women and children are safe” – that is – admit domestic abuse is a problem, call it by its name and talk to someone about it.

3. Atonement actress Keira Knightley starred in a 2009 Women’s Aid ad which saw her punched and kicked to the ground. Shot by Atonement director Joe Wright, the clip was deemed “too violent” and was censored before it was shown on TV.

4. An "unofficial" campaign was carried out against singer Chris Brown, who found his latest album, Fortune, slapped with stickers reading: “WARNING: Do not buy this album! This man beats women!”

Brown was convicted of assaulting his former girlfriend Rhianna in 2009.

5. In September the Home Office began piloting a Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, known as Clare’s Law. It was so named to honour Clare Wood, who was strangled and set on fire by her ex-boyfriend.

It proposes to give women “the right to know” if a partner has a history of domestic violence. The scheme came into being after campaigning to protect women by Michael Brown, the father of the murder victim.

6. In 2010 a campaign to help teenagers recognise abusive relationships was launched with a TV advert shot by Shane Meadows, showing a girl being bullied by her boyfriend. Posters for the Home Office campaign featured the phrases: “Do you make your girlfriend weak at the knees…because she’s scared of you?” and “Does her heart beat faster…when you threaten her?”.


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