David Cameron is expected to respond to Ed MIliband's attempt to muscle in on the One Nation centre ground of British politics by reaffirming his belief in "compassionate Conservatism"
In his keynote leader's speech to the Conservative Party conference on Wednesday morning, the prime minister will return to the modernising language that helped win him the leadership in 2005.
“My mission from the day I became leader was, yes, to show that the Conservative Party is for everyone: north or south, black or white, straight or gay," he will say.
"But above all, to show that Conservative methods are not just the way we grow a strong economy, but the way we build a big society."
But what are the ten things we should watch out for in his speech?
1. Ed Miliband parked Labour's tanks on the Tory lawn last week by appropriating the term One Nation - he said it 46 times. How many times will Cameron say it?
2. The economy is where the real battle is. Will Cameron go after Ed Balls personally like Nick Clegg did? The shadow chancellor gets under the prime minister's skin, will he find it too hard to resist a dig even though Balls loves it?
3. George Osborne did not say the word "growth" in his speech. Will Cameron?
4. What about those pesky Lib Dems? While the internal-coalition relationship was all most Lib Dems spoke about at their conference in Brighton, the Conservatives have been ignoring their yellow friends. Will Cameron be nice enough, or nasty enough, to mention Nick Clegg and his colleagues?
5. Boris. Will he mention Boris? And If he does will it be in the form of a 'friendly' jibe that is both warm, but also a "hands off my job" put down.
6. How hard will Cameron go after benefit cheats? Welfare reform has been a big theme of the conference and he and his party clearly believes a crackdown on welfare is popular with the voters.
7.What colour tie does he wear? Will it be one of his favourite tory blue numbers, or will it be purple - which seems to be the tie colour of choice for politicians these days. This is important.
8.Will he use notes? Ed Miliband wowed the crowd in Manchester by speaking without a script, just has Cameron has done in the past. Will trying to recreate that moment look too much like he is directly competing with Miliband?
9. Wil he pick out 'normal' people to illustrate his points? There is a tendency among politicians to tell stories about 'real people' they have met that taught them the importance of +insert government policy here+.
10. Plebs. Will Cameron tackle the Andrew Mitchell problem head on by making a joke about his chief whip's alleged "pleb" outburst at the Downing Street police. Or will he ignore it.