Baby's First Baby: Artist Darren Cullen's Disturbing 'Pregnancy Action' Doll (PICTURES)

Baby's First Baby! Put This On Your Christmas List

There’s bound to be a lot of crap on the toy market come Christmas time. For instance, last year's must-have gift was a plastic sausage dog that would produce bright yellow poo when squeezed.

This year, we have Baby’s First Baby – A pregnant baby doll, whose fetus is also pregnant!

Ok relax, this monstrosity won’t be hitting the shelves any time soon… it’s the nightmarish creation of artist Darren Cullen.

"Real pregnancy action", is emblazoned across the presentation box, which also includes three milk bottles – one for each generation.

The back of the box boasts of “stretch marks! Cravings!”, adding “Waters really break!” What’s more, this delightful gift is also available in twins, ensuring "the fun never stops!"

After the horror subsides, you may well find yourself wondering just what it is Cullen is trying to say.

Writing on his website, he said: “I’m not. It’s about the way these toys intrinsically train girls to have and care for children while they are still only children themselves.”

The piece will go on show at the Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art in Sunderland from 26 October – 12 January 2013.

It will feature in the show Moral Holiday, along with work by Gilbert & George, David Shrigley and Bruce Nauman.

Meanwhile the gallery below shows the toys that will be on the shelves this Christmas.


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