I'M A CELEBRITY: Nadine Dorries Reveals There Are No Laughs In Politics, Except If You're Boris Johnson!

I'M A CELEBRITY: Nadine Reveals What Makes Boris Special

Nadine Dorries has revealed more of her thoughts on the parliamentary process...

Nadine later told her fellow camp mates, “This has been so amazing for me. I realised that I have laughed so much. I realised that the day I entered politics is the day I stopped laughing. I’ve also realised, because people might say you’re with a load of celebrities, but a lot of people in here apart from Hugo are from very normal backgrounds.”

Nadine's having a laugh with normal people, apparently

Hugo answered back, “What’s not normal about my background? Why should I be excluded? I come from the same country as you, I speak the same language.”

Nadine then replied, “You’re in the top two per cent, so you’re not normal. The other 98% are.”

Nadine continued, “I’ve realised how disconnected politics is from people because politicians don’t laugh. It’s so grim it’s just the bubble we work in this disconnected bubble from everything else.”

Hugo then asked, “Does Boris laugh?”

Nadine said, “Boris does that’s why Boris is so loved as a politician, I’ve never laughed like this for years.”

Nadine's having fun, honestly - can't you tell?

But Nadine isn’t having all fun and no hardships in the jungle. She was the first one to shout ‘I’m A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!’ when the bushmates had to complete a trial involving being shut in a box with a load of flies buzzing around.

She told the Bush Telegraph that David Haye had successfully freaked her out just before the trial, by convincing her they were flying cockroaches. She said, “I can’t do flying things.”

Her Bush Buddy Eric commented, “I think she chickened out a bit early.”

Nadine on Bush Buddy Eric: Eric wouldn’t dare be cross with me.

So that's one voter for Nadine sorted, then.


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