A photographer has combined the two loves of his life by taking a series of stunning snaps featuring his girlfriend leading him by the hand around the world.
A glance at Murad Osmann’s Instagram account reveals the globe-trotting pair including Disney World, Venice and London’s Carnaby Street among their many destinations.
But these are no cheesy holiday snaps – Osman’s girlfriend is pictured from behind, grasping onto her lover’s hand and leading him forward.
Scroll down for a gallery of Osman's pictures
A Venetian mask compliments this stroll through the Italian city's cobbled streets
Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner: The pair on Carnaby Street
In a sign that the popular snaps are going viral, parodies are already sprouting, like this submission on Reddit, entitled 'I too have an adventurous girlfriend'.
Osmann, who was born in the mountains of Dagestan, Russia, studied civil engineering at London’s Imperial College and is currently an executive producer at Hype Production in Moscow.
Reddit has already spoofed the snaps
On his website he says: “For me, photography is about capturing things other people might miss. It is a way to communicate, a way to bring images that I hold in my mind to the surface.
“I want others to look at my work and see beyond the obvious – to explore the imaginary world I have created.”