Margaret Thatcher Funeral: Katherine Jenkins Leads Celebrity Attendees (PICTURES)

Katherine Jenkins Leads Celebrity Attendees At Thatcher's Funeral

Katherine Jenkins led the celebrity attendees at Margaret Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday.

The opera singer was one of the first to arrive at St Paul's Cathedral to pay her respects to the late Prime Minister.

Katherine Jenkins led the famous names at Thatcher's funeral

Katherine was pictured outside the main entrance of the cathedral dressed wearing a black blazer and skirt and a Philip Treacy hat.

Katherine Jenkins arrives at St Paul's Cathedral

Actress Joan Collins was also among the 2,300 guests at the service, and was seen arriving with her husband Percy Gibson.

Other famous names who attended the Baroness' funeral, included broadcaster Sir Terry Wogan, 'Top Gear' host Jeremy Clarkson, singer Dame Shirley Bassey and composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber.

Meanwhile, Sir Ian McKellen has hit out at Thatcher in a new blog post, claiming she set back gay rights by 20 years.

The former PM voted against Section 28's repeal in the House of Lords, which he described as "throwing a piece of red meat to her right-wing wolves".

Sir Ian McKellen

He wrote: "Lest we forget, this nasty, brutish and short measure of the third Thatcher administration, was designed to slander homosexuality, by prohibiting state schools from discussing positively gay people and our 'pretended family relations'."

He added that Section 28 "galvanised a new generation of activists" before it was finally repealed in 2009 under Tony Blair's government, with David Cameron later apologising for the policy once he came into power.


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