Yoann Galeran, French Fisherman Survives Crocodile Attack After Punching It In The Head (PICTURES)

French Fisherman Survives Crocodile Attack After Punching It In The Head (PICTURES)

A French fisherman has survived a crocodile attack by punching it after it latched onto his head.

Yoann Galeran was swimming off Nhulunbuy in Northern Australia when the 6.5ft animal grabbed him by the head and started rolling him in the water, AFP reported.

The 29-year-old told ABC Radio: “I just feel that I’ve been lucky and I just think if it was a bigger crocodile, I maybe wouldn’t have any head.

Yoann Galeran was attacked while he swam off Nhulunbuy in Northern Australia

“I was swimming, and maybe four or five metres from the boat, I just feel like rocks hitting on my head and something strong and I just realise (it was) a croc.

“I just had the feeling that If I want to fight for my life, I just need to move all my body as much as I can.”

The 29-year-old punched the reptile after it latched onto his head

Upon his return to dry land, boss Lisa Heathcote told Perth Now: “He came back into the boat and said he had been attacked by a crocodile.

“He was laughing but I think he was in shock.”



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